"Kent is a creative, highly intuitive and compassionate presence. His deep connection with nature, extensive education and training, and his initiation as a true healer, allowed for my experience to go far beyond traditional therapeutic modalities. I am forever grateful." ~ SB, Santa Fe, NM |
As a seasoned board licensed psychotherapist, I've maintained a private practice over the last 30 years in Colorado and New Mexico.
The gifts I was born with as a healer, combined with extensive clinical skills have continually improved, while staying abreast of advancements including EMDR certification and hypnotherapy training. I also learn from (and network with) integrative medicine colleagues, Naturopathic Doctors and others to round out my skills while drawing from diverse perspectives. As a kid, I hung out extensively in nature in rural western Colorado. My family was consistently supportive of one another, encouraging adventure, diversity and the development of our own unique perceptions and self-sufficiency. I was also gifted with athleticism that paid my way through college. Currently cycling, ecstatic dance, relational intimacy, yoga, core work, nutrition and community involvement comprise my the bulk of my wellness lifestyle. The simplicity of silence within natural surroundings quiets my mind while my intuitive core, and spiritual energy is refined. My natural curiosity seeks wisdom related to creating a self-healing body, mind and balanced lifestyle. Growing up around photographers and healers. I continue hunting down images, as a professional documentary photographer, traveling the world creating bodies of work via grants, and commercial funding sources. My visual work expanded a dozen years ago into videography. After finding my way to the Dine' (aka: Navajo) reservation in 1978. I stayed there until 1991. While there, by invitation I photographed, learning and collaborating with elders, artists, healers and putting cameras in indigenous kids' hands. This collaboration with various wisdom keepers continues, and occasionally workshop offerings with indigenous colleagues are brought to the public. My rural roots and experiences within nature align with their teachings. My knowledge of physics, integrative healing, art, and the importance of connecting with one's deep sense of self, continues dove-tailing as a consultant and colleague with (as mentioned) various indigenous healers and scholars here and in Canada. Most recently, I was a Clinical Specialist with the Navajo tribe to establish an indigenous wilderness-based program for Native adolescents. A portion of my private practice work is dedicated to ceremonial work as a healing modality. These visionary gifts align with what I innately was born with, and then further are solidified with Native American healers along with spiritual study in India, Egypt and Montana. I work with individuals, couples, families, those whom I mentor, and within workshops. Schedule here: in person (Paonia, CO) and via Zoom. My training and life experiences:
More about my healing approach |