The Transpersonal healing approach
An inherent spiritual, or transpersonal component is woven into the wellness process. A transpersonal approach also honors (for example, but not exclusively) the teachings from the client's spiritual tradition, orientation and teachers. For example, Chinese medicine's focus on the chi energy in our minds and bodies, Native American wisdom of oneness and integration within ourselves and around us, or the gifts of Jesus in the Christian faith.
Central to transpersonal psychotherapy is also the embracing of our shadow, our hidden subconscious aspects experienced through the somatic or body manifestations. By bringing forward what is 'running the show' in our psyches, we discover a positive intention under what might be fearful at first glance.
Every person is at a unique stage in their development. Good therapy honors where a person is in their awareness and willingness to grow, without judgment. I lead you to choices, with freedom to be yourself minus unhealthy obligation to others.
Techniques like EMDR, hypnotherapy and solution-focused talk therapy allows us to shift more quickly into healthier states of living. We then typically experience less struggle and frustration and more empathy, compassion and gratitude for self and others. These higher states of living also provide us with deeper intuitive guidance, less analysis and increased direction from an internal compass that leads to deeper fulfillment.
As we learn to self-regulate our emotions through more disciplined thought, we move into deeper realization that we each contain infinite knowledge and wisdom within ourselves. We gain this realization in foundational stages. Woven into this process is becoming more accountable for our thoughts, feelings and actions, with less victim stance. We need to be accountable for ourselves-this is what good therapy provides.
More about transpersonal, neurosciences and quantum physics
Central to transpersonal psychotherapy is also the embracing of our shadow, our hidden subconscious aspects experienced through the somatic or body manifestations. By bringing forward what is 'running the show' in our psyches, we discover a positive intention under what might be fearful at first glance.
Every person is at a unique stage in their development. Good therapy honors where a person is in their awareness and willingness to grow, without judgment. I lead you to choices, with freedom to be yourself minus unhealthy obligation to others.
Techniques like EMDR, hypnotherapy and solution-focused talk therapy allows us to shift more quickly into healthier states of living. We then typically experience less struggle and frustration and more empathy, compassion and gratitude for self and others. These higher states of living also provide us with deeper intuitive guidance, less analysis and increased direction from an internal compass that leads to deeper fulfillment.
As we learn to self-regulate our emotions through more disciplined thought, we move into deeper realization that we each contain infinite knowledge and wisdom within ourselves. We gain this realization in foundational stages. Woven into this process is becoming more accountable for our thoughts, feelings and actions, with less victim stance. We need to be accountable for ourselves-this is what good therapy provides.
More about transpersonal, neurosciences and quantum physics