Beyond the concept of time…
Space and time are interesting concepts and information systems. When moving beyond linear time into circular time, our concept and orientation to space and time changes. For instance, recently a client asked how long a somatic release they experienced had lasted. Their family members said two hours. The client's perception was fifteen minutes.
Even more amazing, is that this client’s experience occurred in the home after witnessing their grown child’s deeply cathartic experience within a family therapy session in my office a couple months prior.
The client described how their brain/ego went into neutral, and the body released at a time when the healing container was secure enough to hold the release, coupled with the presence of family who with their their emotional and psychological sturdiness, contributed to the container's level of stability and transformational healing.
Through these on-going experiences, I am witness to our inherent healing capacity within. These integrative opportunities await to align beyond personality, beyond awareness, within consciousness, where infinite possibilities are presented. In this place the arrow of linear time becomes a bridge to the infinite.
In this new paradigm, the societal indoctrination of linear time has an opportunity to morph into a more authentic way of being. Imagine having continual release and expansive experiences, beyond the big somatic cathartic jump start. The mind continues to calm. This path leads into a deeper, more sustained beauty, joy, authentic self. The client experienced this transparency that resides below personality within the two hour somatic release experience.
Let me reiterate, the experience we have within the cathartic experience, that many might call “ecstasy” or that one “peak experience" perhaps of a lifetime, is potentially a gateway for sustained residence in this infinite quantum field. We have free will to choose the direction and pace of consciousness expansion.
In this unique neighborhood of infinite possibilities, all things are possible. We can see how fear stems from one's past story. We discover communication with our soul as an inner voice. Our souls know every quantum movement we have or will make over space and time. We can imagine or create a new future now by listening to our soul’s frequency and what it finds that is the most alive for us.
The body leans into self healing. When misalignment occurs, which is inherent within the human system, we are led within ourselves or to the right healers, practitioners, teachers, wisdom-keepers (whatever term best resonates), to assist with our energetics in the reestablishment of our optimal frequencies.
In order to arrive at or be aware of these more refined frequencies, denser energy that lingers within addiction, trauma and persistent limiting thought forms, actions and emotions, needs to be cleared.
As these more dense, pain and fear related aspects clear, one discovers how to see beyond cause and effect, and either/or thought forms or paradigms.
As one goes through more clearing we can discover that within the pain, is also a sliver-lining, a healing path to higher consciousness. This is the nature within the quantum field, where paths are presented to healing. The soul’s journey will defy limitations within linear brain/ego constructs, while presenting us with a divinely orchestrated unfoldment.
Once we understand consciousness we can apply the same understanding to comprehend quantum mechanics. Consciousness is the computer or platform to navigate with understanding. Love as an action is the answer. Love others, we evolve. Fear devolves, and we see others, including all that is in the natural world, as separate from us.
If we cooperate with the way the universe is set up, life becomes a series of learning lessons. If we cooperate, care about others, we evolve and get rewards. Life works good, we are led to what we need. If we live in fear, we shut off that process and spiral down and devolve, life is harder, we cut ourselves off from joy and learning. The universe is far beyond science fiction. People who are positive, heal faster. Our minds and bodies can do amazing things.
How long this deepening process takes is relevant to each person. Some need to go very slow, while others are ready to dive deep. It’s all relative to one's soul journey and remain free of judgment, within the natural order of circular time.
The disenfranchised or scared aspects of ourselves deserve to be continually invited into the same room, to join the most enlightened parts. These scared or frozen aspects watch carefully for healing containers to present themselves, and sniff out the authenticity of the moment. Many times we have trusted before, and trauma ensued. Our intuition or inner compass needs recalibrated. Our right is to learn to trust ourselves again, to regain our natural curiosity, our innocence.
Love as an integrative force, resides at the center of this entire process. The more we risk to explore in here, the more we learn. This is also the nature of unfoldment, coming into one’s wisdom. Remember to play and enjoy recess!
Space and time are interesting concepts and information systems. When moving beyond linear time into circular time, our concept and orientation to space and time changes. For instance, recently a client asked how long a somatic release they experienced had lasted. Their family members said two hours. The client's perception was fifteen minutes.
Even more amazing, is that this client’s experience occurred in the home after witnessing their grown child’s deeply cathartic experience within a family therapy session in my office a couple months prior.
The client described how their brain/ego went into neutral, and the body released at a time when the healing container was secure enough to hold the release, coupled with the presence of family who with their their emotional and psychological sturdiness, contributed to the container's level of stability and transformational healing.
Through these on-going experiences, I am witness to our inherent healing capacity within. These integrative opportunities await to align beyond personality, beyond awareness, within consciousness, where infinite possibilities are presented. In this place the arrow of linear time becomes a bridge to the infinite.
In this new paradigm, the societal indoctrination of linear time has an opportunity to morph into a more authentic way of being. Imagine having continual release and expansive experiences, beyond the big somatic cathartic jump start. The mind continues to calm. This path leads into a deeper, more sustained beauty, joy, authentic self. The client experienced this transparency that resides below personality within the two hour somatic release experience.
Let me reiterate, the experience we have within the cathartic experience, that many might call “ecstasy” or that one “peak experience" perhaps of a lifetime, is potentially a gateway for sustained residence in this infinite quantum field. We have free will to choose the direction and pace of consciousness expansion.
In this unique neighborhood of infinite possibilities, all things are possible. We can see how fear stems from one's past story. We discover communication with our soul as an inner voice. Our souls know every quantum movement we have or will make over space and time. We can imagine or create a new future now by listening to our soul’s frequency and what it finds that is the most alive for us.
The body leans into self healing. When misalignment occurs, which is inherent within the human system, we are led within ourselves or to the right healers, practitioners, teachers, wisdom-keepers (whatever term best resonates), to assist with our energetics in the reestablishment of our optimal frequencies.
In order to arrive at or be aware of these more refined frequencies, denser energy that lingers within addiction, trauma and persistent limiting thought forms, actions and emotions, needs to be cleared.
As these more dense, pain and fear related aspects clear, one discovers how to see beyond cause and effect, and either/or thought forms or paradigms.
As one goes through more clearing we can discover that within the pain, is also a sliver-lining, a healing path to higher consciousness. This is the nature within the quantum field, where paths are presented to healing. The soul’s journey will defy limitations within linear brain/ego constructs, while presenting us with a divinely orchestrated unfoldment.
Once we understand consciousness we can apply the same understanding to comprehend quantum mechanics. Consciousness is the computer or platform to navigate with understanding. Love as an action is the answer. Love others, we evolve. Fear devolves, and we see others, including all that is in the natural world, as separate from us.
If we cooperate with the way the universe is set up, life becomes a series of learning lessons. If we cooperate, care about others, we evolve and get rewards. Life works good, we are led to what we need. If we live in fear, we shut off that process and spiral down and devolve, life is harder, we cut ourselves off from joy and learning. The universe is far beyond science fiction. People who are positive, heal faster. Our minds and bodies can do amazing things.
How long this deepening process takes is relevant to each person. Some need to go very slow, while others are ready to dive deep. It’s all relative to one's soul journey and remain free of judgment, within the natural order of circular time.
The disenfranchised or scared aspects of ourselves deserve to be continually invited into the same room, to join the most enlightened parts. These scared or frozen aspects watch carefully for healing containers to present themselves, and sniff out the authenticity of the moment. Many times we have trusted before, and trauma ensued. Our intuition or inner compass needs recalibrated. Our right is to learn to trust ourselves again, to regain our natural curiosity, our innocence.
Love as an integrative force, resides at the center of this entire process. The more we risk to explore in here, the more we learn. This is also the nature of unfoldment, coming into one’s wisdom. Remember to play and enjoy recess!